Thursday, May 5, 2011


I'm spending this summer on a boat. I'll have limited internet and not much time. While I'll try to send emails, I figured it might be easiest to keep a blog that will at least give people a little bit of the story as it happens. I'll be using this to talk more about the preparation process, and the general excitement I'm feeling and blahblahblah. And then when I'm there, I'll be using this to talk about where I am, and what I'm doing as much as I can.

So I'm excited.

Like seriously, I can't convince myself not to pack. I have over a month until I leave. When I'm excited for something, I plan it. Over and over and over, I just go through the few things I have planned, and come up with more. Which is what I'm doing now. I'm counting my bathing suits, dresses, shorts, and flip flops in my head, figuring out how much suitcase space to devote to things, and just generally going through everything. I went to Costa Rica and Belize after my sophomore year of high school and was packed a full week early. And I mean zipped up with outfits packed for the remaining week before the trip to adequately ration clothes. I used travel sized toiletries for that week, and I was not yet traveling.

Anyway, I guess that's all I've got for now, except that I'm really glad other people are concerned about the Harry Potter issue that could arise.

Love, Chelsea